
Ombros de Gigantes



HQastroRock na mídia


Imagine a teenager with long hair and inquisitive genius, who loves playing guitar and is amazed in rock and sciences. This is the main character of Rockstar and the Origin of Metal and
Rockstar and the Mystery of Water, two short animations showing a young rocker interested in knowing the origin of atoms and molecules. The initiative began with an announcement from the Brazilian financial agency CNPq calling for outreach projects on the context of the International Year of Chemistry, celebrated in 2011, aiming to promote among the students the interest on chemical basic concepts.

Rockstar and the Origin of Metal:
atoms, stars and rock'n'roll

Rockstar is in the quest of the origin of heavy metals, like Iron. He is surprised in knowing that chemical elements are produced inside of stars, and will discover the role of the stellar evolution on the origin of chemical species. This is an animation filled by good vibrations (sound and vision), specially produced to be enjoyed by young people.

Rockstar and the Mystery of Water:
molecules, planet formation and rock'n'roll

Rockstar is puzzled by the origin of water. He will very surprised when discovers that chemical elements can be linked to produced molecules, and will understand how the water born in space came to Earth.


Jane Gregorio-Hetem

Astronomer working on Stellar Astrophysics research area, mainly young stars and protoplanetary disks. Associate Professor at Astronomy Department of Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas of Universidade de São Paulo (IAG/USP). Bachelor on Physics by the Instituto de Física of Universidade de São Paulo (1982), and Master Thesis (1986) and Ph.D (1991) at IAG/USP, studying star forming regions and young stellar objects. Post-doc in France at Centre d’Études de Saclay/Service d’Astrophysique (1993-1995). Head of Astronomy Department (2008-2012), participated on the creation of the Bachelor of Astronomy course at IAG/USP; the teaching project Telescópios na Escola; the astronomy area of the science and outreach museum Catavento Cultural (São Paulo). Organizer of the book “Ombros de Gigantes: a história da astronomia em quadrinhos”,  (On the shoulders of Giants: the history of astronomy in comics).


Annibal Hetem Jr.

Researcher in Astrophysics and Computer Applications in Engineering and professor in engineering courses for over 20 years. Holds a BA in Physics from the University of São Paulo (1982), Masters in Astronomy from the University of São Paulo (1992) and PhD in astronomy from the University of São Paulo (1996), and held internships at CEA-Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique in Saclay (France). His current research is in space propulsion and modeling of planets and stars formation.
His scientific production is based on artificial intelligence application to theoretical models of physical processes and technology. Author of several books and textbooks. Has long experience in the implementation and coordination of undergraduate courses. He is currently professor at the Universidade Federal do ABC, in the Aerospace Engineering graduate undergraduate course and also in Master in Mechanical Engineering course, acting as deputy coordinator. Creator of the "Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors Group" at CNPq.


Marlon Tenório

Graphic designer graduated from the University of Bahia in 2005. In animation, he served as production designer on the sets of cartoon series My Big Big Friend and as a concept designer on the animated series of the Yellow Woodpecker Ranch. In 2011, he had his _rst short _lm animation, Helping our world in 60 seconds, winning in the category of webcel AnimaMundi. Currently he is working on the production of short _lm animation Dalivincasso, funded by Petrobras, and he is directing two episodes of animation: Rockstar and the origin of the metal and Rockstar and the mystery of water, sponsored by CNPq.

His work can be checked in